The Ecotech Free Cooling Units utilize the low temperature of the external air to cool the liquid to be sent to the user's facility and are often used where cooling power is required at low temperatures. Free chillers are chillers that work with additional groups for the heat exchange of water / air type (or preferably antifreeze mixture) that can recover the cooling power provided by the external air. Hybrid cooling reduces the electricity consumption resulting from the cooling needs of the facility in order to save energy. In the system, cooling water is obtained by taking advantage of low air temperatures with the help of compressor group and cooling water battery which operate rotationally.
وحدات ذكية لزيادة نجاعة العمليات الصناعية عن طريق التحكّم في الحرارة في المنشآت الصناعيّة.
وحدات تضمن التحكّم الدّقيق في الحرارة من 90 إلى 300 درجة مائوية في عمليات الحقن والبثق وصناعة المطّاط.
وحدات موجّهة لتسخين وتبريد المباني (مصانع، مستشفيات، مدارس، مجمعات تجارية)