Invertech is equipped with single or twin refrigeration circuits, driven with inverter compressors running according to the exact cooling load. Precise control of peak load conditions, reduces energy consumption all year around. Electronic expansion valve meters, proper amount of refrigerant flow to evaporator according to suction gas pressure and temperature. Invertech scroll inverter compressors running with R410 refrigerant ensure exact temperature readings. Invertech has the best temperature control technology, the industry can provide by variable speed compressors. Condenser surface is generously sized for comfortable operation at higher ambient temperatures.Inverter compressor solution with variable speed drive, ensures excellent performance values while maintaining secure oil management during the compressor life time. Invertech guarantees better noise levels as opposed to standart units due to variable speed drive of fan, compressor and water pump.
وحدات ذكية لزيادة نجاعة العمليات الصناعية عن طريق التحكّم في الحرارة في المنشآت الصناعيّة.
وحدات تضمن التحكّم الدّقيق في الحرارة من 90 إلى 300 درجة مائوية في عمليات الحقن والبثق وصناعة المطّاط.
وحدات موجّهة لتسخين وتبريد المباني (مصانع، مستشفيات، مدارس، مجمعات تجارية)